Custom solutions for your most challenging problems.

Leverage the power of Unifii Operations Cloud to digitise your business processes the way you need them digitised to suit your unique requirements.

Custom Solution - RFS Pocketbook

Sometimes you need a solution that can't come out of a box. Unifii has a team of engineers, business process experts, business improvement specialists and operational excellence practitioners who can create innovative but robust solutions to meet even your most difficult-to-solve and exotic business problems.

Unifii Operations Cloud operates entirely independent of other software platforms, operating systems, and IT systems, is completely agnostic and is able to integrate with almost any other system that is capable of data interoperability.

So, if you have a business problem where you think that digital transformation will help, we'd love to talk with you about our approach and our technology.

If you have paper, spreadsheet or form builder-based processes in your business we can rapidly create an exceptional solution for you that will work for all your users, on the devices they use, in the environment they operate in.

Our team will work with you using "the Unifii Way" - our proprietary process for discovery, design, and deployment - to create a solution that is ready for you enterprise.


Process Digitisation

Our custom solutions are the perfect way to digitise your paper and spreadsheet based processes. Our low-code development console allows rapid development, testing and deployment of digital workflows for any business process.

Custom Solution FRNSW Multi Screen

System Integration

Take advantage of Unifii Operations Cloud API architecture to integrate any existing systems into your digital workflows to eliminate the need for your users to jump between systems and allowing you to maintain your source of truth in the appropriate system of record.

Custom Solution Entertainment Publications

Exceptional User Interface

Unifii Operations Cloud is a truly mobile first solution and our solution design begins with the needs of users. Your systems are not good if they are not easy to use. We work with you to ensure that when your people use the solution they feel like you built it for them and you have the confidence that all the business requirements are built into the processes.